PC Apps
Use the left mouse button to increase the fall off of gravity with respect to distance and the right mouse button to decrease the fall off. Moving the mouse will destroy any pretence that this program makes at being a simulation but it can stretch the starfield into interesting swirly patterns. And nothing is better than that. Is it?
Stop the invading creatures as close to the water hole as possible for maximum points. Use the mouse to aim and mouse button to fire. If you wait longer before firing you will get a larger more destructive projectile. If the creatures get too close you will be pushed backwards and it will take time for you to get back closer to the water hole where you can earn more points.
Move the mouse to push the coloured fluid around and to paint on to the background canvas. The liquid will gradually evapourate. Pressing either mouse button will add more liquid. The liquid cycles through various colours. Move the mouse at the appropriate time to lay that colour down on the canvas.
DO NOT RUN THIS APP IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALL. (There is a bug which causes it to crash unless you have run a different app first.) This is a combination particle/object simulator/editor. You can use it to just have a play with existing data files or you can create your own 3D objects and then investigate the effects of impacts and heat. It also includes a terrain simulator/editor. Terrains created here can also be used with the Invaders game. See the "read more" link below for keyboard commands.