You can set particle properties by pressing the P key and pressing one of the number keys to select the particle type you wish to edit. Pressing P again will allow you to set particles on the screen to a particular type by moving your hand (or whatever body part or object you wish) over them and then pressing that numbered key. Note that parameters saved here are not compatible with the SimulEditor Applet. See the bottom of this document for a description of particle properties.
Press the spacebar to cycle between static and dynamic webcam detection. In static mode the webcam captures a static background image at the moment when static mode is selected. (Thus you should get out of the field of view of the webcam first) It then differences new webcam images with this stored one to determine the location of moving foreground objects. In dynamic mode the webcam is continuously updating its background image. This makes it a little easier to use and less sensitive to lighting changes or moving the webcam. However it also means if you stay still it will eventually misinterpret you as part of the background and will continue to do so for a little while after you move again.
Press either mouse button to cycle the display between reproduction of the entire webcam image and display of only the foreground objects. This last mode can be useful in seeing how the webcam sensing algorithm works and how best to interact with the scene.
Particle Properties:
Flex - A modifier to the distance which two linked particles can be stretched before the link between them breaks. This number can be negative to make brittle objects. This modifier only applies to solid objects. Once a particle has passed its melt temperature it always has a Flex of 0.
Bond Strength - The strength of the link between bonded particles when they are at Optimum temperature or below.
Damping - Damping of velocity differences between bonded particles when they are at Optimum temperature or below.
Melt Temp - The temperature at which particles melt. Molten particles can form new bonds with nearby unbonded particles. They also can have a different base colour and can glow. Unlike in the SimulEditor particles of different types will not bond.
Low Visc Temp - The temperature at which particles attain their low viscosity properties defined below. Between Optimum and Low Visc Temp particles adopt a weighted blend of properties.
Optimum Temp - The temperature at which particles adopt the Optimum temperature properties defined above and colour defined below.
Bonded Heat Gen - The amount of heat generated by relative motion of bonded particles.
Unbonded Heat Gen - The amount of heat generated by relative motion of nearby unbonded particles.
Solid Ground Friction - Ground friction when particles are at optimum temperature or below.
Melt Ground Friction - Ground friction when particles are at melt temperature or above. Friction at intermediate temperatures is a weighted blend of the two friction amounts.
Low Visc Attract - As with bond strength above but at the higher low viscosity temperature.
Low Visc Bond damp - As with damping above but at the higher low viscosity temperature.
Optim Alpha, Red, Green, Blue - Colour and transparency of particles when they are at or below optimum temperature.
Melt Alpha, Red, Green, Blue - Colour and transparency of particles when they are at or above melt temperature. In between temperatures result in a colour blend.
Melt Glow Red, Green, Blue - An additional glow which is added to the particle as it approaches melt temperature.
Low Visc Glow Red, Green, Blue - The colour the molten glow transforms into as the particle approaches low viscosity temperature.
Mass - The particle's mass.
Ambient Temp - The background temperature. Particles will tend towards this temperature over time. The less particles they are bonded to the faster they will approach this temperature. Bonded particles will conduct their temperature between each other.
Gravity In - Force of gravity pulling particles into the screen.
Gravity Down - Force of gravity pulling particles down the screen.